Head and heart

Where is your head at? What do you spend your time thinking about? What fills your heart? Too often my head is full of day to day concerns and my heart full of concern, not trusting in the eternal truths I know, that come from the Heavenly Father who loves me, who loves you, and who […]

grateful for…

After a bit of a tough week, I thought it was about time to practice some thankfulness! ~ some lovely sunshine ~ ticking some things off my to do list ~ baking and eating delicious crusted marble cake ~ the way Phoebe smiles and flaps her arms in excitement when I come into the room ~ seeing […]

For another world

I love CS Lewis. Love his books, and so many quotes just succinctly explain the gospel, and so much of what I believe. There are a wealth of these on pinterest, here is one which I think really speaks to life. It is so easy in life to look for the next thing which we […]