Things you didn’t know

A vague and fairly poor attempt at some fashion sketching, I have a lot to improve!

I am considering making my own clothes instead of buying ones that aren’t what I was looking for. (What do you mean, where will I find the time?!)

The more I do, the more I want to do.

I actually really enjoy being a nerdy student, and studying in the library when it’s quiet in the mornings.

Before I met and married Josh there were many things I didn’t eat that I now like.

I don’t drink (or like) tea, coffee, or alcohol. I have been asked many times (what DO you drink?! Everything else, actually.)

Much as I love organisation and tidiness, our house is usually not as tidy or organised as I would like. 

I can never decide whether I like having a fringe or not.

Whilst I love baking, I don’t try that many new recipes- it always seems easier to stick to the tried and tested and delicious ones!

I have never dyed my hair, and probably never will because I’m too scared it won’t go back the same colour. (Hoping the sun will make it more blonde again soon as my summer colour has grown out and been cut off, sad.)

Ashamedly, I haven’t played my flute in over a year, if not longer, due to one thing or another. Should change soon!

I miss my art classroom at school. 

I can be horrifically indecisive!! 

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